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As soon as you read the title of this chapter, you might hasten to conclude that this is a chapter intended for the project manager or the project coordinator. If you are not already a project manager or planning to be one in the near future, you might be inclined to just skim through the chapter. That would be a mistake. This chapter is very much designed for all IT professionals, irrespective of their roles in data warehousing projects. It will show you how best you can fit into your specific role in a project. If you want to be part of a team that is passionate about building a successful data warehouse, you need the details presented in this chapter. So please read on.
First read the following confession.
Consultant So, your company is into data warehousing? How many data marts do you have?
Project Manager Eleven.
Consultant That's great. But why so many?
Project Manager Ten mistakes.
Although this conversation is a bit exaggerated, according to industry experts, more than 50% of data warehouse projects are considered failures. In many cases, the project .
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