Open enrollment for health insurance and flexible spending accounts will be May 2-16

Employees are strongly encouraged to submit open enrollment changes through Cardinal Employee Self Service (ESS), DHRM’s electronic submission portal. Changes must be submitted no later than 11:59 p.m. on May 16. For more information read the campus notice about the new system.

Enrollment forms and supporting documents can also be submitted to Human Resources using the secure e-drop box. Paper forms should only be used if online access is unavailable.

Human Resources will be holding Zoom information sessions for employees to review this year’s open enrollment changes. Information on the Zoom sessions will be coming soon. Registration will not be required for these sessions.

For more information, visit the open enrollment webpage.

For questions, contact the HR Service Center at or 540-231-9331.

2022 Open Enrollment: Non-Medicare retirees and extended coverage

The annual open enrollment for non-Medicare Retiree Group participants (retirees, survivors, and long-term disability participants) and extended coverage participants for the plan year beginning July 1, will also take place from May 2-16 and any changes will be effective on July 1. Booklets and related resources will begin mailing the week of April 26.

All enrollment forms must be submitted by May 16 to be accepted.
